As A Client Of Philadelphia Chiropractic, You Are Eligible For Our Easy Financial And Insurance Arrangements
Philadelphia Chiropractic has a variety of convenient financial options available to help you receive the chiropractic services you desire. Our goal is to make treatment more affordable so you will have the opportunity to receive the services you need and want – without a strain on your budget or finances.
Health insurance covers your chiropractic services
Philadelphia Chiropractic accepts the following health insurance plans:
- Aetna
- Blue Cross Blue Shield and Highmark
- Cigna
- Independence Blue Cross
- United and UMR
- Federal Employees
- Personal Injury (PIP), including Liens
- Injured Worker’s Compensation
- Motor Vehicle Accident (including Uber, Lyft, Rideshare, and Septa accidents)
These arrangements make it easy for you to get quality chiropractic care at Philadelphia Chiropractic. We look forward to helping you live a more active and healthy life.